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1. Among the sick role components is the

a. mandate of appearing ill and suffering from the illness.

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b. necessity of taking medications and staying in bed.

c. exemption from performance of certain normal social obligations.

d. refusal to look to other sources of health care treatments beyond those prescribed.

2. During the stage of patient status, it is expected that

a. symptoms are being experienced, leading to a diagnosis.

b. the patient do all they can do to recover from their illness.

c. the illness is now socially recognized and identified.

d. the person shifts into the role as it is determined by society.

3. Assuming the sick role according to Suchman means the person

a. is aware that something is wrong and responds emotionally.

b. seeks scientific confirrmation that something is wrong.

c. seeks help and shares the problem with family and friends.

d. goes under the control of a physician who plans a treatment of care.

4. A person who has cancer may have followed this illness trajectory:

a. presenting symptoms, followed by treatment and recovery.

b. acute illness, unstable status, deterioration, and recovery.

c. diagnosis, treatment, unstable status, death.

d. presenting symptoms, followed by diagnosis and treatment.

5. When Suchman divides the illness experience into its various stages, the medical care contact stage implies the person is

a. cognitively and physically aware that something is wrong.

b. under medical control and following a prescribed treatment protocol.

c. seeking scientific c rather than lay diagnosis in order to interpret what it all means.

d. seeking help and information from family and friends. 10

6. While HEALTH is considered a balance of the person, ILLNESS would be considered

a. the imbalance of one’s being in and outside the world.

b. actual symptomatology physically manifested.

c. part of the human condition that all must experience.

d. the absence of elements that contribute to health.

7. While complementary alternative medical (CAM) treatments are used by people of all backgrounds, recent research indicates CAM use is greater by

a. men.

b. those who have never been hospitalized.

c. people with rudimentary education.

d. women.

8. Alternative medical traditions are considered

a. an essential component of a cultural heritage medical tradition.

b. for use in concert with other aspects of health care.

c. out of the realm of a person’s cultural heritage medical tradition.

d. traditional methods of health care.

9. The evil eye is defined differently by different populations. Evil is thought to be cast in the Philippines through the

a. mouth or eye.

b. eye or touch.

c. foot.

d. breath.

10. The saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, an onion a day keeps everyone away,” is thought to protect HEALTH by

a. recognizing the special antibiotic properties contained within onions.

b. advertising that onions have special healing abilities.

c. protecting the person from coming in contact with those who might be ill.

d. affirming the belief in the power of onions to prevent disease.

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