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Dietary Analysis

Name:Mohammed Alzaher
NutritionCaloriesCholesterol (mg)Sodium (mg)Protein (g)Fiber (g)Fat (g)Vitamin C (mg)Iron (mg)Calcium (mg)Carbohydrate (g)Sugars (g)Vitamin A (IU)
BreakfastEgg Muffins681876260500.6250.60.6260
DinnerBread with Cheese1132917470900.22020.40.1281
BreakfastChocolate Muffins373438351.11811.452613782
LunchMeet (Beef)21377612201302.215000
DinnerChicken Sandwich51568957244.8296.44.7603960
BreakfastEgg Muffins681876260500.6250.60.6260
LunchFish Salmon412109117400277.70.7180099
Average Total/3days1147494.67808.67104.332.9771.3311.729.8136.3349.218.77366.67

Dietary Analysis

1. Record what you eat and the nutritive values for each item for three days (your three day period should include at least one weekend day and/or at least one week day). This should include each meal, snack, beverage, etc., and the number of servings consumed. At the minimum the analysis should include information regarding calories, carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, cholesterol, iron, calcium, sodium, sugars, and vitamins C and D.

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To obtain nutritive values use your text, the nutrition facts label on the food container, or on-line resources such as:, There are also many free apps/websites available such as My fitness Pal and/or Lose It!.

2. Record and add up the nutritive values for each day. After the third day, compute a three day average for each nutrient. Now rate your diet by comparing your averages with those recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

3. Write a reflection page evaluating your three-day diet by answering the following:

What excesses and/or deficiencies do you see?

What changes in your diet might you recommend?

Any additional comments and impressions will only serve to increase or enhance your dietary analysis grade.

Each report must be word-processed. Correct spelling and grammar will be considered in the grading process. Attach your three-day diet record sheet as well as your nutritive averages to your analysisPlease read and follow the assignment directions carefully.

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